24/25 FXR-Subscription

5 concerts with François-Xavier Roth

In his last season as Gürzenich Kapellmeister, François-Xavier Roth once again spans a luminous arc between the orchestra's great tradition and the music of the present day. Gustav Mahler himself conducted the Gürzenich Orchestra at the premiere of his 5th Symphony. 120 years later, François-Xavier Roth takes to the podium, shares his extraordinary view of this epochal work and also presents Mahler's magnificent Second Symphony. With outstanding contemporary compositions - including two world premieres - the Gürzenich conductor builds bridges from yesterday to tomorrow.

212 / 169 / 135 / 92 / 67 €

Seat map

Consultation at (0221) 221 28240 / abo@guerzenich-orchester.de

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