Primary Schools

Programmes for classes 1-4

Music fascinates, it awakens feelings and is listened to with pleasure. But it can do much more: as an important part of school education, music can strengthen concentration, social responsibility, self-confidence and group spirit. What would lessons be without the live experience of music? The school concerts awaken the enthusiasm and passion with which the Gürzenich Orchestra also performs every concert. For a comprehensive pre- and post-concert preparation, teaching materials, workshops for teachers as well as school visits and meet & greets are offered. The »443 Hertz« offer and the rehearsal visits provide the opportunity to get to know the musicians at close quarters, to become musically active in an exchange with them and to feel the power of music directly. Second grade pupils can also experience all this when they take part in the big project »Singing with class!«


Ich war begeistert von den vielen Instrumenten. Am meisten von der Geige, da steckt richtig viel Arbeit drin.

Keyan, 9 Jahre

School Concert

Once upon a time ...

Once upon a time... a group of animals celebrated carnival.
Fairy tales and stories allow us to immerse ourselves in fantastic worlds. And what better way to do this than with the right music? In this concert, the Gürzenich Orchestra tells the musical story of the Carnival of the Animals. The illustrator Grégoire Pont brings the worlds to life on a large canvas.

Additional programmes

to the school concert

      Personal contact and proximity to their young audience is very important to the musicians of the Gürzenich Orchestra. In preparation of every school concert, they visit classrooms, introducing their instruments and preparing the students for the music of the concert. The students can ask any questions they may have about the concert and the daily lives of musicians, and some instruments can even be tried out.


      For the school concert "Once Upon a Time..." for grades 1-4

      Tue, 11/26/2024 
      Mon, 12/02/2024

      Time by arrangement


      Participation is free of charge. the requirement for participation is the purchase of tickets to school concert.

      The registration period is already over. From spring 2025, you will find all information about the programmes on offer for the upcoming 2025/26 season and the relevant registration for

  • Meet & Greet

      An orchestral concert is an impressive experience. But what if you still have a burning question or want to experience an instrument up close and personal? School classes attending a school concert can meet the orchestra musicians right after the concert, asking all the questions they can think of and commenting on anything they have noticed during the concert.


      for the school concert »Once upon a Time ...« for classes 1-4
      Fri 13.12.24 | 12:30 (after the second school concert)

      Foyer of the Kölner Philharmonie


      Participation is free of charge. the requirement for participation is the purchase of tickets to school concert.

      The registration period is already over. From spring 2025, you will find all information about the programmes on offer for the upcoming 2025/26 season and the relevant registration for


      Six weeks before the school concerts, preparatory materials (in German) for the concert are available here for downloading. In addition, the Gürzenich Orchestra Cologne offers teachers a brief workshop introducing and explaining the materials in practical terms. The content of the lessons can be tried out, and there is an opportunity to adapt the materials to the needs of your own class.



      to the school concert »Once upon a Time ...« for grades 1-4
      Fri 08.11.24 | 16-18 p.m.

      Cologne Philharmonie


      Attendance is free.

      You can register here.  

443 Hertz

Participatory Concert

Do you want to develop your own concert, stand on stage and make music or present it yourself? Pupils can experience all this as part of the series »443 Hertz« - in direct cooperation with the professionals from the Gürzenich Orchestra. The focus of this project is the practical engagement with music. Accompanied by a lecturer, chamber ensembles of the Gürzenich Orchestra prepare a concert for the whole school together with a school class in weekly workshops. Including various art forms, the pupils get to know selected works and develop their own personal approach to music. This results in an individual concert programme which is performed together with the musicians. The workshops and concert take place at the school.

A Stroll through Sound 

If you prick up your ears and listen carefully, there are lots of fascinating and varied sounds hiding everywhere in everyday life. The pupils are invited to listen consciously during the workshops and to perceive their surroundings with open ears. In addition, the string quartet will bring along selected works in which the composers have also processed sounds from nature and the environment. The pupils actively engage with the music in the workshops and develop their own sound improvisation.


This offer is aimed at pupils in grades 3-4. Participation is free of charge. 

The registration period is already over. From spring 2025, you will find all information about the programmes on offer for the upcoming 2025/26 season and the relevant registration form.


Singing with Class!

A Carnival of Emotions

Charlie finds himself in a dilemma: Lou seems to be distancing themselves more and more, showing less interest in spending time together. In an effort to uplift their spirits, Charlie proposes the idea of arranging an "Emotion Carnival". They ponder which emotions induce laughter, provide the most comfort, evoke fear, or cause overwhelming joy. Together, Lou and Charlie embark on a whimsical journey to explore the depths of emotional power, inviting both young and old to join them on a musical expedition into the realm of feelings.

Over the span of two months, 300 second-grade students will collaborate on a composition by Thierry Tidrow, inspired by a libretto penned by Pauline Jacob, under the guidance of vocal instructors. The culmination of their efforts will be showcased in two concerts alongside the Gürzenich Orchestra Cologne. Just like any carnival, attendees are encouraged to embrace various (emotional) disguises.


Note regarding the primary school concert: Interested primary school classes must register to attend the performance at

Presented by KölnMusik in collaboration with the Gürzenich Orchestra Cologne and Philharmonie Luxembourg.

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